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Download CPP Check Free

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What you get with CPP Check

CPP Check is a free and open-source static analysis tool for C/C++ code. It provides unique code analysis to detect bugs and focuses on detecting undefined behavior and dangerous coding constructs. CppCheck works with C++Builder, Dev-C++ and any other C/C++ tool, to analyze your C/C++ code even if it has non-standard syntax (as found in embedded projects).

CPPCheck offers the following supported checks:

  • Automatic variable checks
  • Bounds checks for array overruns
  • Classes checks
  • Checks for use of deprecated or superseded functions
  • Exception safety checks
  • Memory allocation and destructor checks
  • Memory leak checks
  • Resource leaks checks
  • Checks for invalid usage of STL functions and idioms
  • Dead code elimination
  • Stylistic and performance errors